
 Here is a list of resources that I use and recommend. It is in no way exhaustive yet does represent the resources I personally use frequently, even daily.




“Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals” by Melody

«Die Steinheilkunde» by Michael Gienger. Entitled “Crystal Power, Crystal Healing” in English

“The Book of Stones”, Richard Simmons and Naisha Aishan

 “The Crystal Bible Book 1,2 and 3, The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Crystal Prescriptions, Crystal Mindfulness the Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids” all by Judy Hall

 “Crystal Grids: how and why they work” by Hibiscus Moon

 “Clearing Crystal Consciousness” by Christa Fake Burka

 “Crystal Lore, Legends and Myths” by Athena Perrakis

 “Crystal Muse, Everyday Rituals to tune into the real you” by Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro

 “Change your Energy, Healing Crystals for Health, Wealth, Love and Luck” by Krista Mitchell

 “The Crystal Healer” by Philip Permutt

 “Crystal Connections” + You Tube Videos by Adam Barralet


Read or listen to works by any or all of these Astrologers

Dane Rudhyar

Michael Roscher

Robert Hand

Richard Tarnas

Judith Hill, fantastic Astro Physiognomy, Medical astrology and more

Louise and Bruno Huber

Brian Clark

Erin Sullivan

Melanie Reinhardt

Steven Forrest

Liz Greene

Claude Weiss

Philip Sedgwick, deep space

Barbara Schermer

Alan Oken

Jeffery Wolf Green

 Joanne Wickenberg

Michael Munkasey, midpoints

Joan McEvers

Bil Tierney

Stephen Arroyo

Richard Idemon

Howard Sasportas

Donna Cunningham

Bernie Ashman

Celeste Teal, great work on nodes and eclipses

Jan Spiller

Linda Goodman

Tracy Marks

Karen Hamaker

Lois Rodden

Ray Merriman and Georgia Stathis, experts in Financial astrology


 Vibrational Therapy

“Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field” by Barbara Ann Brennan

“New Chakra Healing, the Revolutionary 32-Center Energy System”, by Cyndi Dale

“Energy Ecstasy and Your Seven Vital Chakras” by Bernhard Gunther

“The cure for all diseases”, Dr. Hulda Clark

“Energy Medicine”, Donna Eden

“The path of energy”, Dr. Cynthia Andrews

“Vibrational Medicine”, Dr. Richard Gerber

“Empath Healing Survival Guide for Empaths” by JP Edwin

“Flower Essence Repertory, Revised and Expanded Edition”, by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz



Metaphysical / Consciousness Knowledge and Expansion

“Understanding your life through color” and “Indigos: the quiet storm” by the teacher that named me – Dr. Nancy Ann Tappe

“Bringers of the Dawn, Earth and Path to Empowerment” all by Barbara Marciniak

“The Mayan Code, The Pleiadian Agenda, Alchemy of Nine Dimensions, Catastrophobia, Liquid Light of Sex and The Mayan Code” all by Barbara Hand Clow Also any of her YouTube interviews and discussions

Wayne Dyer all works

“The Celestine Prophecy and The Celestine Vision” by James Redfield

Initiation show with Matias de Stefano on Listen to the rememberer of lives past

“Sacred Contracts”, Caroline Myss

“Women who run with the wolves”, Clarissa Pinkola Estes

“1000 Symbols”, Rowena and Rupert Sheppard

“Letters from Home, Partnering with God and A new Dispensation” all by Lee Carroll channeling Kryon

“The Power of Now” by Eckhardt Tolle

“You are becoming a galactic human” by Virginia Essence

“The Book of EST by Luke Rhinehart”. I took the EST training in the early 80s and this book comes very close to the experience in written form. It is the base of many group held “personal transformation” seminars that have come about since then.

“The world before: herald of of the new age” by Ruth Montgomery


“Essence and personality: the Michael Handbook” by Joseph Stephens and Simon Warwick

“The world according to Michael”, by Joya Pope


Law of Attraction

“The amazing power of deliberate intent, the Vortex, a new beginning 1 and 2, Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, Manifest your Desires” by Esther and Jerry Hicks
