Vibrational Therapies



About Vibrational Therapies or “Energy Work”

Why might you be interested in a vibrational treatment?

  • to stimulate the body's natural ability to heal, to recognize the power of your own internal energy
  • So that you can vibrate on a higher frequency. When you say someone has "good vibes," you are really talking about that person's vibrational energy— happy, balanced people tend to vibrate on a higher frequency
  • If you are stressed, anxious, or physically drained, an energy healing session can help you relax and feel more balanced. 
  • to improve yourself and lead a better life. When you are spiritually balanced, you are better able to stay in a state of equilibrium and see life from different points of view. This positive outlook fends off depression and allows the body to relax and maintain harmony, addressing potential problems before they develop into energetic blockages that IN TURN manifest in the physical body.  

It's important to note that energy healing is a complementary modality that shouldn't exclude any western or traditional medicine you may be taking.


About my journey with vibrational therapies 

I have studied different healing energy modalities throughout my adult life. Some modalities served to open me up, to receive, to connect and feel. These modalities (vibrational therapies, color and light therapy, sound therapy and resonance bathing, Dr. Barbara Brennan’s Hands of light, channeling, psychometry, intuitive and psychic mediumship) are my go-to favorites that I have sought out and learned from trained and intuitive healers. I have combined these in treatment for myself with Acupuncture, Chinese and Western Herbology and Reflexology. I am grateful that so many varied methods of energy healing work have presented and will continue to present, in this lifetime of mine and yours, new paradigms for healing, living and thriving. I know that new (or old repackaged and taught as new) forms of energetic frequency healing will continue to emerge throughout my lifetime and beyond. I believe strongly that healing with frequency will become continually more prevalent going forward.

I came to the combination of Reiki and crystals organically. I went through a period of emotional trauma and pain and found myself self-treating myself with Reiki often. I would meditate AND place crystals when I began a self-healing session and found that my healing was greatly enhanced by working with both energies in combination. When I studied - and later was initiated in Usui Reiki – I found that when working with crystals on a daily basis through methods that were taught TO me and self-taught in equal measure – I was re-membering meaning I knew I was coming back to something I knew from whatever lifetime I knew them in - and could connect with profoundly, instinctively, naturally, blindly. I began receiving and re-learning Reiki after experiencing some trauma and mainly focused on the work of healing myself. Later, as I practiced with my family, it became clear to me that working with Reiki, or universal life-force energy was one of my “things”.

Reiki energy, as you probably know, is one and the same as the energy field described in some of the other healing modalities mentioned above. It is also known as Prana, the “field” or Unified Field, Mana, Chi or Qi. It is, quite simply, the energy that creates all life. After receiving each of my attunements I would practice and practice and practice and try things out that I combined intuitively. I became very confident in my ability as a conduit and developed a relationship with my Reiki Guides. When you need Reiki energy to flow it will, in my experience, without fail seek the area of the greatest “deficit” first and from there fill your systems in a way that promotes balance. I like the visualization of a scale with my energy on both sides. Wherever I’m out of whack Reiki energy will enter to create balance. Not too much so that I’m filled up or overwhelmed, but in a way that adds and subtracts where needed to create equilibrium. My libra moon likes that a lot, in fact is so knowing of this equalizing ability that I seek it out continually. I knew I wanted to offer this to others by becoming a Reiki channel but adding my own intuitive gifts to what I’ve learned made the work more powerful.

My love of crystals, really of stones of all kinds dates back as far as I can remember. I’d sit and fill jars with rocks from rivers and beaches and lakes and drag them around with me as a small child. I was in Sarasota and remember buying a Blue Lace Agate pendant when I was 11 knowing it was the best stone and I “needed” it. Boy, was that ever a self-fulfilling prophecy. Throughout my travels in life, I’ve been drawn to the “flowers of the middle earth” of whatever area I was working in or visiting. I’ve attracted my teachers (I will reference these with suggested reading in the Crystal Info section of the website) and have worked my learnings into an ever-evolving frame of reference that I work with. I deepened my crystal knowledge through study and certifications with teachers and programs. I continue to expand my understanding of crystals, most notably adapting these to my understanding of the new energies that are presenting on the Earth NOW to allow the crystals to assist in a manner that is profound and aligned and relevant for new challenges. I am ever inspired to grow this knowledge; crystals are record keepers’ teachers for the shifts……….

Energy treatments

 Vibrational Therapies/Energy Work sessions with me are a combination of Reiki, Hands of Light, Sound Therapy, Essenian work and highest quality crystals that I fuse to a guided whole to allow me to be of service to your highest good IN THIS MOMENT. I am a channel/messenger and as I work in your energy field information presents itself which I relay to you after the session if desired. If you prefer, the guidance can be silent.